Happy Easter to all our Scoil Eoin Phóil families from everybody on the staff ! The school was in full Easter mode as we prepared for our Easter Holidays.
Scoil Eoin Phóil : Booklist 2021 - 2022
Lucy Harrigton Anna Jobin Lena Hrapkowicz Leona Fotso Daisy Healy Nicole Milejczyk Rachel O’Sullivan Johanna Fotso Oliver Andralojc Emma Monaghan Stevie Owens Áine Feeney Ellie Doyle Aoife Byrne Adam Berry Angel Fotso Nadine Lennon Kamatou Barry Luke O’Brien
‘This is Ireland’ Art Competition. Congratulations to the winners of The ‘This is Ireland’ Art Competition. The children were asked to create artwork to represent Ireland and all things Irish. We think they did a great job as you will see from the photos, the pictures are beautiful –
Spring is here!
The daffodils and tulips are looking beautiful at the front of Scoil Eoin Phóil reminding us that nature is wonderful. Now that Spring is here, it is planting time again in Scoil Eoin Phóil. We are eagerly awaiting our potatoes, onions, tomatoes, carrots and lettuce to begin sprouting. We hope the birds who visit our bird feeders and bird boxes every day don’t eat them!! Our gladioli are in the ground and soon we will sow our summer flowers – we are even planting some wild flowers to encourage pollination in the garden. We will keep you updated on the progress of our planting as the weeks go by.
The tree donated by last year’s 6th class is growing beautifully and the blossoms are appearing.It reminds us of the wonderful boys and girls of 6th class of 2019 - 2020
6th Class 2013 - 2021 Lots of lovely memories
Lalita Darlington Art Competition Our Lalita Darlington Art Competition was held once again this year to remember and celebrate Lalita’s life. Lalita died on 31st January, 2015. She loved art and colour and music and school. It is a privilege to hold this annual competition in her memory. The pupils from every class produced wonderful art pieces – both in 2D and 3D – to celebrate her life. Well done to all involved!
Mexican Flavours in Room 15! Studying the topic of The Aztecs & Mexico! The children in Ms Gaffney & Ms Stokes third are studying the topics in Geography of Mexico & The Aztecs in history.
We hosted a Mexican themed lunch to sample the flavours of this country! Do you know how many Aztec food words we still use today? (Chili, chocolate, avocado!) Why not try a Mexican Food Night at home!
The children are busy making projects to display in the school on these themes also!
Intercultural Day June 2021 Our intercultural day, celebrating the wonderfully diverse backgrounds of our pupils was a great success. It was wonderful to learn of the heritage, customs, geography, festivals, foods etc of the children. Many children wore clothes from the various countries and brought in delicious foods representing the continents. Have a look at the photos to get a flavour of the day. Thank you to the Student Council for helping to organise the day.